Date: 2008 - Present
Role: Co-Founder, Current Secretary of the Board of Directors
I founded the Capital Good Fund, a microfinance fund in Providence, Rhode Island.
To read more about the impact we've made, click here.
As a senior at Brown University, I formed a team and started a microfinance fund. In 2009, two months before I graduated, we gave out our very first microfinance loan. In the intervening years we've gone from a group of Brown University student volunteers struggling to serve our first client to a fast-growing organization reaching thousands of families.
Ever since we began researching the idea of doing microfinance in Rhode Island back in the summer of 2008, we’ve been driven by one mission: to become a national organization that makes a significant dent in poverty.
We have a phenomenal team of Board members, staff, interns, volunteers, funders and supporters. We have a suite of products and services that truly changes lives. And we carry our unique esprit de corps with us as we learn and grow and serve.
We've Achieved So Much in 5 Years:
· Disbursed half a million dollars of loans
· Returned over $1 million to the community through free tax preparation
· Served 750 families with Financial Coaching
· Launched a Randomized Control Trial, one of only a handful of organizations in America carrying one out
· Grown to a staff of 16 employees and 120 volunteers
· Created programs, especially Financial Coaching + Schools, that are groundbreaking and have the potential to transform thousands of lives
· Created a unique nonprofit IPO
· Opened three offices in two states
Here's a Borrower, Eva Jimenez, sharing her story:
Recent News:
The Brown Alumni Magazine wrote an article about our last five years of progress.
The Rhode Island Spotlight recently produced a seven-minute video about Capital Good Fund: