Photo Credit: Ben Barry
Running list of superb Culture Codes, Manifestos, and Handbooks:
Facebook's Little Red Book (good interview w/backstory here)
Big Spaceship's Culture Manual
Ray Dalio's Principles at Bridgewater
Google's "Ten Things We Know To Be True"
How to Create Your Organizational Values:
Airbnb's process of building it's values- An annotated article on Genius with Brian Chesky, CEO, and full deck here.
80% of Your Culture is Your Founder: a guide for founders on how to write down their values
Reinventing Organization's wiki about Culture and Values
Explore other culture levers:
2) Talent: What organizations look for in new members; how they hire, onboard, incentivize and train employees
3) Power structure: How people obtain, maintain, and lose power; how they give and receive feedback
4) Rituals: Ceremonies, social environment and behaviors, dress codes
5) Ways of Working: The "way we do things around here": norms, the ways organizations respond to problems
6) Physical environment: office space, physical artifacts, work hours