Exciting news! I have finished designing a toolkit for new organizations to use to help them make their culture explicit. This toolkit should be used within the 1-2 years of the organization’s founding. It is called “Culture: An Owner’s Manual.” It is a stand-alone toolkit with examples, cards, and physical artifacts that start-up organizations can use to help them develop their culture. The first step in the toolkit helps the organization define a visual “Culture Manifesto.” The second step is a series of “Culture Definition Cards” that help the organization take their culture manifesto and define tangible culture elements that they want to put in place in their workplace. The third step is actually creating the tangible elements.
Three fantastic start-ups have used the culture toolkit so far and have had great success. The Public Society, Precision Strategies, and VergeNYC have all made their start-up cultures more intentional. Bravo!
If you're interested in using the kit at your start-up, contact me using the contact form at the bottom the page!
Culture Cards from the Culture Toolkit